Get to know Verona Products Professional better

20 years of experience, over 1000 products in the portfolio sold in Poland's biggest stores and in over 60 countries in the world. Own laboratory, cruelty-free formulas and modern production plant - discover Verona Products Professional.
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Verona Products Professionals - experts with 20 years of experience
Verona Products Professional is a Polish multi-brand cosmetic company with 20 years of experience. We started our activity in 2003; today we hold a prominent position and strong reputation among the leading domestic cosmetics producers.
Our unique formulas of makeup, face and body care, hair colouring, hair care products and fragrances gained the trust of customers from Poland and over 60 countries around the world. We have managed to achieve it thanks to the combination of experience and passion and clearly defined values that guide us from the very beginning of the company's activity. In our daily work, we not only follow global trends but also create them. We believe that continuous work on the high quality of our products, supported by research, their unique design and freshness have resulted in what Verona Products Professional represents today. From the initial stage, our mission is to create cosmetics that not only inspire and respond to the latest trends but also meet the needs of our customers around the world.
The headquarters of the company are in Warsaw, and the production plant with laboratories are based in Sochaczew. We currently employ over 200 people.

What makes Verona special
As a cosmetics manufacturer, we have our private research laboratories where each product undergoes rigorous tests at all production stages. That gives us full control over the quality of all cosmetics at every stage of the implementation. Our modern machinery park gives us a unique opportunity to create all products on-site, upholding the highest standards. We work with reliable suppliers of primary products and packaging. That guarantees the finest quality and stimulates the dynamic development of the entire company and its separate brands. Innovation, safety and uniqueness are the values that give us a competitive advantage. Making every effort to ensure that our products are original and recognizable, we register our trademarks and industrial designs.
Verona Products Professional is a remember of the Polish Union of the Cosmetic Industry.

Verona's brands
The company's portfolio includes 5 product categories: makeup, face and body care, hair colouring and care, fragrances and disinfection. Our brands are: INGRID Cosmetics, Vollare Cosmetics, Skin UP by Verona, PROVI White, Revia, Ryana, Vittorio Bellucci and Revitanum. Thanks to the collaborative work of the team, all our brands are recognizable all over the world.

Events, beauty fairs and awards
We use modern marketing tools and all possible distribution channels of content promotion, organise trade and PR campaigns. We maintain active participation in EU Projects, including the Polish Cosmetics Program which was developed by the Ministry of Economy to promote Polish cosmetic industry on foreign markets. We regularly showcase our offer at prestigious trade fairs in Hong Kong, Dubai and Bologna, including online fairs. We participate in many regional and national initiatives, providing intensive support to all industry events such as conferences, congresses and forums. Consumer activities that lead to the sale are extremely valuable for us. We conduct makeup workshops, sponsor local events, back charity organizations and conduct makeup-related lectures at various national events. Communication with our recipients is enormously important for us. We manage it with the utmost care, using, among others, social media and broadly understood e-commerce activities. Our proven marketing strategies positively influence the way our brand is perceived. Customers and consumers appreciate our effort, as evidenced by many awards: Consumer's Laurel - Discovery of the Year, the title of the Cosmetic Company of the Year, European Certificate of "Reliable in Business", Qltowy Cosmetic (Qltowy Kosmetyk), Qltowy Concept (Qltowy Koncept), Pearl of the Cosmetic Market, Best Product and Super Product. All these awards confirm Verona’s dynamic development, the highest standard of our products and reliable business relations which we successfully establish and strengthen.